Our Generation 2031 sustainability campaign continues to grow and deliver measurable results.
One of these is the Sustainability Report, an annual document in which we undertake to summarize all the steps taken in the field of environmental, ethical and economic sustainability.
The 2022 Sustainability Report, like the 2021 one, is drawn up according to the Equalitas Standard which certifies our company as sustainable. The document that the reader finds himself approaching maintains the readability and informative approach that also characterized the 2021 financial statements, but it is certainly richer in content.
The year 2022 has seen us working on many different fronts: from calculating the carbon footprint, to its consequent reduction with ad hoc projects (which are growing more and more), from circular economy projects, to those of ethical sustainability aimed to create value within the community and the territory. This document aims to be the final conclusion of a year, 2022, which has certainly marked a first turning point in Generation 2031.