GENERATION 2031: A commitment that looks at the future

A new commitment to our tradition and the beauty of the future: it’s called Generation 2031.

generation 2031 manifesto

Generation 2031 brings together all the objectives and commitments of our company and the Medici family for the next ten years.

Sustainability, in the tradition of Medici Ermete, has become an increasingly important and indispensable value. We are not perfect, but we try to improve ourselves day by day, working on our strengths to minimize weaknesses and risk factors. We believe in sustainability as a long-term project, to be handed down to our children to leave them a better future, a land that is more liveable than how we found it, certain that they will know how to treat it and make it flourish.

We define sustainability in three thematic areas:

  • environmental
  • ethics / social
  • economic.

On each of these areas there can be many debates, food for thought, sub-themes to be treated and deepened.

Generation 2031 is therefore a sustainability manifesto that translates into precise objectives that we want to share with our community. To make you participate in our commitments and an actor in a change that you will experience with us. Many things have already been done, we have many more planned. Here on the blog, through our articles, we will discuss sustainability pills such as the reduction and cancellation of the carbon footprint, support for local biodiversity, the application of concepts related to the circular economy, respect for ethics and raising awareness of all stakeholders and much more.

Every 15 days we are committed to sharing with you a small piece of us, a leaf or a branch of that tree you see in the photo above. The history of Medici Ermete has always been linked to the territory and to the land, our sustainable path has not been a change of course, but more awareness and attention to a theme that involves us all.

The launch of Generazione 2031 coincides with the presentation on the market of Concerto 2020, the first organic harvest of Medici Ermete. How did we get here? What are the steps to receive certification?

We will talk about this and much more in the coming weeks. Keep following us here and on our social networks to stay up to date!